Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Christmas Pictures

The kids did great for their Christmas pictures, well until we got to the actual Christmas background...I'll share a few so you can feel sorry for me on how hard it is to get a good shot of three kids smiling.

Caden...arguably one of the most photogenic kids I've every seen. Not just because he's my son...but come on now...

This is my new blackmail picture.

My Logan...his Cheese smile...not as cute as his "look"

His "look"

"Agh, come on guys."

And the Princess

Bloopers: Note, you can tell Caden and Logan were staring at Heath and I. Heath was making funny faces and I was threatening them that they wouldn't get a Christmas if they didn't smile. Caden kept sticking his hand on Presley's face, pulling her dress up or watching Logan's meltdown. The lady try to get me to buy the least bad one. She said, this one isn't bad. I said, Yeah, I didn't like the background enough to buy a portrait that "Isn't that bad"...Thanks though! Lesson learned...good background first. Also, Caden and Logan won't be getting professional pictures again for a while...just Miss Priss.


kristinkfitness said...

haha, that last one of Logan cracks me up! At least you got good ones of them individually! =)

Elaine said...

Imagine if you had on John and Kate + 8. I think I'd go crazy. I think the "true emotion" pics are the best!


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