Wednesday, April 8, 2009

We miss Daddy!

Well, our Full time Mr Mom is no more. Heath got a call yesterday to report to work for his first 14 on. He's not offshore but at a plant since the rig he is assigned isn't in the Gulf until Mid-May...

He stopped by Tigerland to say his goodbyes and everyone cried (except Caden) who is so his mommy!!! Logan and Heath are so tenderhearted about this sort of thing and well Presley wanted her daddy to hold her and when he walked away she got very upset!!!

Last night though Caden made an error on his Homework...letter Y and he accidently circled a Rabbit which DOES NOT start with Y...he tried erasing his crayon cirle, coloring over it with White crayon...everything. He was truly devastated. So the only thing I could do to console him was to tell him I'd talk to Ms Eileen (his teacher) to see if he could redo it....he was finally content with that and this morning at 6AM he reminded me to talk to Ms Eileen so he could redo his Y homework.

Yes, Wow -- this is going to be a fun 12 years...MR PERFECTIONIST! BTW, Ms Eileen said she'd let him redo it...but that he could just x out his circle and when we told him that he said, but it's wrong, I want to redo it.


kristinkfitness said...

haha, well at least he'll like going to school and you wont have trouble making him do his work! =)

Sorry Heath had to leave, I bet that was hard on him! I'm sure it will become routine in no time! =)

Anonymous said...

It's so funny to hear "Miss Eileen" since I used to work with her at Tigerland! It's hard to believe she's still there teaching the four year olds! I really loved working with her- she's a great lady!
I'm so sorry Heath had to leave. It just sucks. I sure hope that your family receives many, many blessings from this new career!

Sheri said...

geez, i'm so emotional...why did i almost cry just READING that story about Heath saying goodbye to the kids. LOL!


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