Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend?

So, we did nothing big for Labor Day weekend...which was nice...We did enjoy burgers at Nana and Poppa's Saturday and had a great visit with Aunt Pat (aka Backpack)! Caden, Logan and Presley gave a dance show that won't be soon forgotten...we also hung out with lots of our friends at Rick and Angie's pool on Sunday night. The boys went home around 9 and PG and I made it to 10:30, my little party animal!

Tball season officially started on Saturday. Caden is on the Angels and Logan is on the Rockies. Caden did so well! This is his second season and he played over a year ago but he seems so much older and I can tell that we will reap the rewards for what we endured the first season!

Caden's in the grey shirt with the hat and glove

Logan's team was well, hilarious! Lots of three year olds that wanted to eat snow cones and pee. The poor coach is so serious, having them stretch and do "form" throws. I was exhausted watching him try to get all nine 3-4 year olds to go to the correct stations. Anyway, it should be interesting for his team!

Logi sporting his brothers baseball hat (with Caden's name on the back) and green shirt ... look how cute his little butt is with his grey baseball pants!)

Arm circles? Coach, they are three.

Some Quick Sprints...

Disclaimer: it may look really organized in the above pictures, but this was the first three minutes of practice, he completely lost them after the sprints!

Also, Presley seemed like a one year old already this weekend. She is sitting in booster seat at the bar with the boys and drinking from a sippy like a maniac. She's gone all weekend without a bottle. She says Mama, Dada, Bubba, bye, boo, and hi. She'll blow kisses and wave at almost anyone. I went to the office on Monday to do some work and took her with me. She had so much fun playing with binder clips and highlighters. Agh, if only they stayed this easy to entertain!

She'll also Dance and Love her baby on command...

Being Cheesy...
Loving her dolly...

She was a champ at the baseball fields for 3 hours and has the sun to prove it! I warned her that we'd have plenty of afternoons at the fields with two older brothers...but I am enjoying having her company while Heath is the assistant coach (last year he was head coach) and I was normally hanging out solo.

Daddy got Sissy a pink bat for Tball Season...she reminds me of BamBam.

I wonder if the boys will be as happy to attend her dance recitals and gymnastic meets...I'll have to remind them of how many games/practices she's attended!

And another week...(oh I also repainted Caden's room and changed out his furniture to something a little more practical. We are still working on the bed, so I'll attach pix when completed)

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