Sunday, September 13, 2009


This weekend we had two tball practices rained out (woohoo) and Caden ran a fever off and on. That boy never gets sick and when he does he runs a fever and has very few other symptoms. I think he has an advanced immune system. Anyway, Saturday while he was dosed up wtih Tylenol and having a boost of energy we went bowling...

I used to think I was a decent bowler. However, my 3 and 5 year old beat me this time and although they had the bumpers up on there turn, it was pretty sad. They are so competitive too! I was nice and let Heath coach them into rubbing it into my face!

Presley enjoyed watching. Again, I must say she is the best BABY in the whole world....she is so content just hanging in her stroller for hours at a time during whatever we are doing. Her sleeping is still amazing in that we just lay her in her crib and she just goes to sleep (hardly even a fuss); and well you know she loves to eat. What a blessing she is. Now, if we could just get Logan in on that behavior!

Since Presley and Caden's birthday is five days apart, and Heath is going to be offshore until the following weekend...I am going to have to be creative on how I plan this. Although combining a 1 year old and a 6 year old party is not optimal....I am trying to get creative because I doubt our friends and family want to spend an entire weekend celebrating the birth of two of my children (Shame on them, I know)...anyway, I asked Caden what he'd like to do for his party...he mentioned go Hunting...I said, yeah for what? He said, Deer, Elk and Moose. Is that all baby? Great, this should be easy.

The boys have their duck callers as they are deer hunting (still learning)...thanks daddy, this isn't annoying at all!

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