Thursday, August 6, 2009

Colorado River, Daddy and Teething

I'll start with may think that I am going to tell you about Presley...however it's me who is teeting. Apparantly I've hit my prime and my wisdom teeth have decided to come in. YEAH!!! Just what I needed on Heath's second hitch offshore to have oral surgery! Oh well, could be worse.

Daddy, has left again. He received a promotion upon his return to the rig. We are very proud of him and knew it wouldn't take him long! We miss him already.

Pictures from Colorado River last weekend where Heath took the boys to a friends Ranch to see deer, zebra, and many other animals.

Starting off with a bang...

Did someone tell me to Hang on?

Daddy, was this a posed picture?

Pretty sure this is the same fish, nice try Daddy!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Yea-I've missed yall. I still have my wisdom teeth and they need to come out too, but I haven't rushed it since they don't bother me at all. Cute pics as usual..but missed not having an update of Princes P :)


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