Heath is home!!! Woohoo, we survived our first hitch!!! Crazy hectic for three weeks followed by the last two weeks of a very happy family!!! Anyway, it's good to have him home.
We went to the beach this weekend. Why do we not drive the hour to the beach more often. It's my new goal. They had a blast.
Caden hunted seashells and looked ever so much like the geek he his with his floaties and goggles...he is such a non conformist!
Logan (who had never been to the beach) LOVED it!!! He had so much fun and really appreciated all of it.
Toots, well she loved it...she had sand in every fold and crevice. She's such a girly girl!!
Logan's first Beach Trip!
Presley didn't mind crawling in the sand....
And we're done...
Caden has his very first crush on a friend of ours who we go to church with...Carrie (Redmon) S. Steve, her hubby is nice enough to share her attention whenever Caden is around. She has received countless pictures, toys and she also got a handful of seashells.
He told me he likes her eyes...do you blame him?
Logan, why you gotta always steal everyone's ladies???? Hmm, a little taste of things to come?
I've missed yall. They are as cute as ever...and Lane STILL wears goggles/mask when he swims..if he remembers them. If he doesn't he whines about it. Just don't let him grow up to be an accountant :) Glad you had a good time and Heath is home. Since you are so good at traveling with the crew maybe next time he goes out you should load up the crew and head this way!
It's about freakin time..I was just complaining to Josh last night that it has been forever since you blogged!!! He explained you are doing the CPA thing...Presley has changed her looks so much lately...still beautiful!!! Good luck with your exams and blog more... :)
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