Always cleaning up...
Presley and her Daddy...
Sweet boys...
Silly Boys
So in love!
Shamu's baby even swam along...
Presley really enjoyed the shows, she even learned to wave like the trainers! Logan was happy as long he was far away from the splash zone and Caden would have joined the whales in the tank if we'd let him...he was totally in his element! S
ix Flags -- Presley hated every single ride she rode. Logan was a little trooper and even rode the roaring rapids and got soaked...this kid HATES to be wet outside of a pool and bath! And Caden, he rode every single ride he was tall enough to just kills me to see how much he is his daddy made over! Get me off this thing!
Presley even disliked the lifesize stuffed animals!
How many kids can you cram into a stroller?
Presley eating her first turkey leg...she ate the whole thing!
Can anyone say...Sr Picture?
Poppa and Nana thinking what did we get ourselves into?
Looks like a fun-filled weekend, that is awesome..and Yes, Caden is looking so much like Heath! I'm ready for a little getaway myself.
What a fun weekend - but how you do it with three kids, I will never know!
(and just so you know - I notice everything you put on a Mom, with a girl I try (well, tried, at three they try to take over) to dress up and look cute, I notice, and really appreciate, all the hard pays off...Presley is one cute, adorable, very cutely dressed, and well accessorized, little girl!)
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