The other night Caden had a random accident in bed and when I was changing the sheets in the middle of the night and transporting kids out of pee sheets, Logan said, "Caden's Three Now?"...
Our next door neighbor Britney had to have her appendix taken out this week and I was talking to her mom, Angie and I asked if they were allowing her to eat ice chips....Caden was listening intently and when I hung up he said, "Does Britney have to eat chips with ice on them?" He also wanted to know if she swallowed a domino to make her tummy hurt.
Caden wants to know things like how the steering wheel connects to the tires and what makes them turn and why God made ants, mosquitos and bees since all they do is hurt people...(Yes, we need refresh on Lion King, cause my answer was that they'll teach that to you in school when you are 7)...he bought it too!
Everyone is Logan's girlfriend and he is going to marry them...usually it's me or Presley but he'll gladly sell us out for a cute, young number...At WalMart he told the young blonde cashier..."I love you, you are my girlfriend"...she got all flattered and I wanted to say...he says that to all the girls, but I let her feel special. He also hit on a lady at the pool in her bikini...said, "I'm cool, I'm three and I pee in the potty"...all the while he was strutting around her...she realized that he was totally hitting on her.
I was baptised last Sunday at church...since I was raised Catholic, it was a step I to do for the Baptist Church...the boys were intrigued to say the least...afterward Logan asked..."Can I see Jesus in your heart now?"...I said, no but he's in both he and Caden opted to 'feel' him...Caden said, Yep, he's in there.
Good to know!